
Museo Thyssen

Museo Thyssen BornemiszaIn 1992, the Museo Thyssen Bornemisza pioneered a new formula for art museums - private management of public assets. The Thyseen-Bornemisza’s Foundation's strategy is to achieve a streamlined administrative management, seeking to maximize revenues and control the costs involved in organizing an intense program of cultural activities while maintaining optimum gallery conditions, facilities [...]

Museo Thyssen2017-07-07T14:01:02+00:00

Museo Nacional del Prado

Museo Nacional del Prado opened to the public in November 1819.  The Museum's collection was built upon the royal collection of Charles V from the 16th century  and continued to thrive under the succeeding Habsburg and Bourbon Monarchs. The Museum's greatest masterpieces are The Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosh, The Nobleman with his hand [...]

Museo Nacional del Prado2017-07-07T14:10:59+00:00
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